Thursday, February 19, 2009


Buenos Aires from Kara DuBose on Vimeo.

Ok peoples,

We finished this video yesterday morning, but because our internet is just AWESOME, the upload kept stopping and it took forever and ever and ever and ever and upload the sucker! Espero que you will find it worth the wait amigos! Estoy seguro que YOU WILL!

~Hessaljean y Kara (como la cara)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Worth the wait!! ;)
I love that there's so much music everywhere you go. I really liked the drumming in La Boca (did I get that right?)
Secondly, I can't believe that they can manage to fit in all the words to "Prince of Peace" in Spanish. It's hard enough in English!
Funny story: Jake led that at church a couple of weeks ago, only the computer froze up and I was frantically trying to get the words up in time, but couldn't! Joni and Laura were helping Jake lead and didn't know the girl parts AT ALL! Phyllis and D'Lytha were helping from the front row, and D thought she knew the girl part, only she missed a phrase and ended the chorus one section before Jake did!
In a very non-planned, impulsive move, I run up on the stage to help Joni get through the next chorus- only by the time I got up there (because I had run), I was out of breath and couldn't sing all those words! What a mess! Only at Park Hill!